Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
A large portion of our time and energy as preppers is spent preparing for the inevitable collapse of society as we know it. We study, plan, stock up, and make ourselves ready for that inevitable day. We trust that when it comes, we will be ready. But, what exactly is it that we trust? Certainly, we have faith in our planning. We believe in the knowledge we have gained and in the abilities we have perfected while preparing. We trust that when society crumbles, we will be able to survive. In short, we trust ourselves and our preparations. In short, we know when times get tough, we can trust ourselves.
As Christian preppers though, we are called to a different level of trust. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Philippians that who we are in Christ is where our trust comes from when he says, “For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh,” (Phil 3:3). We cannot trust our own ways and putting complete stock in our own preparations will lead to our inevitable failure. It is an absolute necessity that we believe in the work we have done, but, it is even more imperative we trust in God to lead us as we continue to prepare. There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12) Securing your trust in God instead of leaning solely on your own understanding is the truest form of survivalist prepping.
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Today in Christian History
On this day, April 29th, in 1607, the Reverend Robert Hunt led the Jamestown colonists in their first Anglican (now known as Episcopalian) worship service in the New World. Captain John Smith recorded the event in his diary and said that a cross was set up at Chesapeake Bay and the place named Cape Henry.
That first service did not have a formal place of worship. Their first place of worship was a shrine in the forest covered with a ragged sailcloth. The altar was a plank nailed between two trees. By the end of the summer, the church building proper was finished, but it burned down within months. Another building was erected, and it was here in 1614 that Pocahontas and John Rolfe were married.
In 1639 the prospering colonists built a new brick church in Jamestown and added a brick tower in the 1640s. The remains of this church tower can still be seen and is one of the oldest English-built edifices standing in the United States today.
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