Off The Grid News

The Flexibility In Planning

“Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here.”
— Iyanla VanZant

Besides the four years I spent in college, I lived the majority of my life in my hometown. I married in the church I was baptized in and worked in the school I attended as a teenager. It was extremely difficult at first for me to view my former teachers as colleagues and to serve on church leadership committees with those who guided me through my early years. But, these people were my rocks and I loved the fact that I was raising my daughter in the same place I was raised. My plan was to watch her graduate from the same school and marry in the same church where we were both baptized. I never anticipated being anywhere else.

That all changed about this time two years ago. My husband approached me and explained an opportunity his company wanted to explore. It would require us leaving a home we had just remodeled, my career, our church, and more importantly, our friends and family. After much discussion, prayers, and even tears on my part, we decided to take the adventure together.

Through these past two years, my life has grown in more ways than I ever thought possible. I have a completely different, and stronger, relationship with both my husband and my daughter. We have become involved in a new church, made many new friends, and are thriving as a family.

Having a plan is crucial in life. You have to know where you want to go so you know how to get there. But one of the most important aspects of planning and preparation is the ability to be flexible. I may not have ever chosen to leave my hometown, but stepping out in faith has enriched my life beyond all belief.

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