With summer back in full force, lots of folks are working and playing outside, using joints and muscles that “lay dormant” all winter. As a result, a lot of muscle injuries and subsequent muscle pain occur. The downside, of course, is one little muscle strain can take you out of action for the entire summer. If that happens, you can get the rocking chair ready and spend the warm weather on the sidelines, or you can look for a few off-the grid-ways to get back in the game.
Here’s one muscle pain idea: DMSO
The DMSO story isn’t well known by most Americans, including most doctors and medical professionals. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is a by-product of the papermaking industry. Discovered in Germany back in 1800s century, the sulfur substance became the subject of intense scientific interest because it’s ability to penetrate membranes, including skin.
Scientists found DMSO to be a remarkable “transportation device” that carries small molecules rapidly through membranes. Since then, experts have discovered many benefits as well as risks associated with using DMSO to treat all kinds of conditions. Researchers continue to study this remarkable substance for that very reason.
The Basics:
DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) is a clear, colorless, slightly oily liquid that carries a bit of sulfur smell. As stated, it possesses the unique property of quickly moving small molecules into the skin’s fatty membranes and then into the bloodstream. Research has also proven it to be efficacious in many different health applications. DMSO by itself can reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. It can quicken the healing process, preserve tissue, and it can be a godsend to individuals suffering from acute pain. DMSO can relieve severe pain, typically from sports injuries, in as little as 5 minutes to half an hour.
In Addition to muscle pain, here are a few other potential applications.
athletic injuries
back pain and disc problems
cancer pain
cardiovascular diseases
cerebral edema
fractures (pain)
frozen shoulder
gouty arthritis
interstitial cystitis
joint pain
multiple sclerosis
muscle spasms, including nighttime muscle cramps
Peyronie’s disease
phantom limb pain
post-operative pain
pruritis ani
respiratory disorders
rheumatoid arthritis
sprains, strains
trauma injuries
urinary tract disorders
varicose veins
It’s important to understand that DMSO is not considered a cure by our government for any of the conditions mentioned above.
Off-The-Grid Muscle Pain: Just In Case
Because we live in a fragile and vulnerable society, every forward-thinking and preparation-minded household should have a bottle of 99.9% pure DMSO on hand, just in case you can’t get medical help in a crisis. Health food retailers sell DMSO in both liquid and gel form. Some liquid DMSO preparations come pre-diluted with distilled water. It seems to work best, in most conditions, when you can find it in 70 to 90% concentrations – either 70% DMSO and 30% distilled water, or 90% DMSO and 10% distilled water. (Some healthcare experts classify burns as the only injuries which appear to respond well to a 100% solution.) Also remember, once you dilute DMSO with water, a chemical reaction takes place and the mixture gets warm. Don’t worry though, this is normal.
Spread DMSO straight onto the skin’s surface. Use your fingers or even a cotton ball or swab. Many users suggest dabbing DMSO onto a zone, but rubbing it on has been proven to enhance the absorption time by up to fifty percent. A typical application is 1-3 teaspoons. For acute injuries, apply DMSO every couple of hours for six to eight hours following the injury. For the upcoming five days or along the lines of that, use the product once every 4 to 6 hours.
Important warning. DMSO will carry almost anything into your bloodstream. This is both good and bad. It’s okay if you’re trying to get rid of muscle pain. It’s bad if you expose the DMSO treated area to poisons. Here a sad “real life” example. A farmer had hurt his back earlier in the day. He came back to the house for lunch and while he was there, he treated his injured back area with DMSO. He then took off his shirt and went back to work spraying pesticides on his farm. Long story short, he died tragically because the DMSO carried the farm pesticides into his bloodstream. So be warned… this is powerful stuff.
Many health stores now carry DMSO labeled as “laboratory grade” 99.9% pure. Distributors and manufacturers generally mark DMSO for use as a solvent to avoid FDA issues.
As we look at alternative pain solutions, especially in case of a crisis, it’s important to consider many off-the-grid solutions and using all possible tools at our disposale.