Dear Editor:
I don’t have time to sit at my computer to listen to things on the Internet. You’ve had some topics on your radio shows that seem like they would be of interest to me, but I’d really like to be able to put them on my mp3 player to listen while I do my daily walk. Is there some way to get them as a podcast?
This might be available already, but I’m not much of a “geek” in this way and need to be pointed in the right direction…or at least told what to tell my son or husband so they can help me! (sigh….)
Thank you,
Dear SL,
There is most definitely a way to download these broadcasts to listen on your mp3 player! J When you go to the episode you want to listen to, you’ll see underneath the “Play” button (the one on the right with an arrow) that there is a line that reads: Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: x:xx:xx – xx.xMB). Click on the word “Download” and a new window will pop up. Right click on the page and a drop down menu will appear. This will give you the option of saving the episode on your computer, which you can then transfer to your mp3 player.
The Editor
Dear Editor:
Just a brief comment regarding the answer you gave to Prepping Mom last week in regard to her mutual fund distribution. Your reply missed the possibility that the funds were most likely IRAs, although not specifically indicated. She stated, “I am considering pulling my retirement out…”
Have you considered referring these types of questions to professionals who might volunteer to assist your readers? I think it would work quite well. Just a thought.
Dear Tom,
Again, that’s why I did say that it was beyond the scope of the Letters on Off the Grid News to assist her with tax advice. Without all the facts before me and because I’m not a financial advisor, it’s impossible to advise anyone on what they should do based on a few words in an email. I appreciate your suggestion, however, and we’ll put it on our list of ideas for consideration. Again, anytime our readers have a suggestion on how we can improve the newsletter, the website, or the radio show, feel free to write. We welcome your input!
The Editor
Dear Editor–
I’m horrible at growing anything in my garden. In fact the past two years, we’ve taken to growing nothing at all. Our garden is in full sun at least 6 hours a day and our soil tends to be on the sandier side. How do I make my own Garden of Eden?
Dear K—,
You must live next door to me! J Our soil is very, very sandy and in direct sunlight from sun-up to sundown. The first thing you need to do is get a soil test (contact your Extension Service for how to do this) to see just how acid your soil is, because if it’s sandy, it’s acidy, and nothing but fruit like blueberries and strawberries will grow well in it. Also, because it’s sandy, it’s not going to hold moisture well and your garden will dry out more so than other people’s. Once your soil has been evaluated and you know what you need to add, start amending the soil. Lime is good for acid soil to get the pH down, and then compost, compost, compost and natural fertilizers (not chemicals! Use something like Protogrow. It’s great!) You need “fiber” in that soil, so to speak, something that will hold moisture, retain nutrients, and grow vegetables. Your compost will give you that organic mix that will encourage the microorganisms that work synergistically to provide nutrients to the plants.
You won’t get the dirt you want in one year. It will take time. But I can tell you from experience that the first year we had a garden, I didn’t harvest anything out of it… a few scraggly beans and that was it. After working the soil all fall, winter, and into spring, this year’s crop was so bountiful, I about worked myself to death putting it up.
The Editor
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