Readers Give Old-Time Medical Cures
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I remember my mother-in-law using regular “ole cornstarch” on our children’s very itchy chicken pox sores! She put an old sheet on the bed – then a youngster and put the cornstarch very gently on each itchy sore. Stopped the itch!!! Haven’t thought of this in 50 years! No water was used. Hopes this helps somebody. Loved your old timey remedies. I know they work!!!!
I really enjoyed his article. I remember my mother using some of these treatments you spoke about on me as a child. I also remember my mother always kept an aloe vera plant in the house for burns and cuts.
Good article with lots of good ideas!
I would like to add a few simple thoughts of my own. First of all, the idea of mixing peroxide with a mouthwash seems like a very bad idea. Too many chemicals for my thinking.
I use a mix of peroxide and plain water, about 50/50, and I’m very happy with the results. If I have a sore throat or swollen glands or an earache, I also add a rinse with plain old-style nasty-tasting Listerine, but I do them separately. This usually nips any infections in the bud in one day. If not, I will do both a second day, but I’ve never had to do it three times in a row. It’s important to remember not to swallow any of this.
I also do oil-pulling with a tsp of coconut oil once a week to keep my teeth and gums healthy. I’ve been doing this about 6 or 8 months and it really helps since seeing a dentist just isn’t an option in our budget. I had noticed my teeth feeling loose and shifting around a bit and I have had lots of fillings and a couple of root canals that are going bad. The oil pulling really helps to turn some of that around.
Minor burns: This is our first winter trying to use our woodstove exclusively for heat and I knew that getting burned was going to happen no matter how careful we tried to be around it. The most typical burn happens when you’re trying to throw in wood and catch the edge of the opening over the top of your glove. Both of us have made this little mistake.
In preparation for this injury, I made some simple skin balm. You can find many recipes for basic skin balm using Google. Then, I added several drops of tea tree and lavender essential oil to the balm. This works great at easing the pain quickly and healing the burn fast. The best part is that I have no scars or marks on my skin after the burns have healed.
I just put a little dab on the burn immediately and then reapply it every day until the burn is clearly healed. Note: I’ve only used this on MINOR burns that barely blistered.
Final note: Adding oatmeal to your bath is a great idea, but letting it go down your pipes is a bad idea! Putting it in a cloth bag will definitely work better.
Blessings and thanks for a great article!
P.S. Never forget the many uses for baking soda!
Sue Jean