Dear Editor,
I recently read your promotion of the Solar Generator. I was wondering if there is any generator known to be EMP safe?
Dear D-
The term “EMP” (electromagnetic pulse) encompasses several varieties of electromagnetics pulses and they are not one and the same. An electromagnetic pulse is a massive atmospherically-conducted current of electricity, and there are three varieties. A solar storm produces just one of these varieties (E3), and unless you’re plugged into the grid during this event, your equipment should be safe. (We won’t say categorically that it will, as strange and wondrous things are always occurring.)
A nuclear detonation in the atmosphere over the country, however, is an E1 pulse, a very rapid and high density pulse that is generated by the explosive force of the initial burst. E1 is the EMP variety that fries the micro-circuitry within computers and other types of electronic devices.
Following quickly after the E1 pulse is the E2 pulse, which is much less powerful than E1 and causes mainly localized damage. Nothing is safe from an E1 pulse, plugged in or not. A Farady cage is recommended for all sensitive electronics that you many be concerned about in this instance.
For those of you concerned or interested in electromagnetic pulses and their effects, you’ll want to listen to Friday’s Off the Grid Radio with guest Ross Howarth, vice president and general manager of EMPact America, a non-profit citizen advocacy organization determined to convince Congress of the need to harden the power grid infrastructure against a possible EMP burst.
The Editor
Dear Editor,
Stored bottled water…how long is it good for when stored in a dark, cool location? I’ve had some tell me it will only keep for about 6 months. Is this true and how often should it be rotated? It really doesn’t make much sense, the theory that water will “go bad.”
Dear E-
Theoretically, the shelf-life of water is indefinite. However, it does depend on the storage method used and the container used. Simply rinsing out a milk jug and filling it with water is not the same as properly preparing your water stores. However, even if you follow quality water bottling procedures, contaminants can still inadvertently be admitted into your water supply. That’s why having some type of filtration system on hand is recommended, such as charcoal pre-filters or gravity fed mechanical filters. I have linked to a few articles on Off the Grid News within this response that will address your concerns more completely than I can on this page.
The Editor