image credit resilientcommunities.com
The next frontier or level of prepper thought involves a concept called Resilient Communities. A Resilient Community is designed for long-term survival and self-sufficiency.
The idea here is to create a community [1] or organization that can enable large numbers of people to survive and thrive for a long time even if society collapses. The difference between this and traditional survivalist thought is that the traditional thinking is about the short term: keeping your family alive through the emergency. Resilient Communities are about the long term: keeping your family fed, housed, and clothed for the long term if the institutions of our society are not available.
Long-Term Survival
The concept of Resilient Communities is being pushed by one of today’s premier prepper thinkers, John Robb [2]. Robb, a former Air Force officer, is a well-known thinker and writer on Next Generation Warfare. He’s now promoting Resilient Communities full time through two different blogs.
Robb hasn’t created such a community yet, although he’s putting forward a lot of good ideas about them, including self-sufficiency in food and the deficiencies in our present infrastructure. Some of these ideas are pretty good and can be applied.
What Robb is basically doing right now is putting together a lot of really good information for those of us who are interested in long-term survival. This isn’t the nonsense you see on Extreme Preppers; it’s real, and it actually makes a lot of sense.
For example, he shows you how to greatly increase the fertility of the soil in your lawn so you can quickly turn it into a garden [3]. Robb and resilient communities are all about practical solutions that average people can apply in the real world. Robb has converted the grass on his lawn to white clover for these purposes.
He also promotes such ideas as using methane gas to power the stove [4] in your kitchen. Methane, as anybody who has seen Mad Max Behind Thunderdome knows, can be used as a power source. Robb actually found a man in Cairo, Egypt [5] who is doing just that. Basically, you can use the waste generated by your pig pen or chicken coop to power your gas stove. Robb also promotes the idea of making biogas from sewage as a power source.
New Relocation Manual Helps Average Americans Get Out Of Harms Way Before The Coming Crisis [6]
Robb may not be trying to create an actual Resilient Community, but Thomas Culhane is, in Cairo. Culhane is an urban planner who is trying to develop ways to make poor neighborhoods in the sprawling Egyptian capital self-sufficient. His goal is to help poor people become self-sufficient using the resources around them.
Researching the Technology of Survival
So there are no Resilient Communities out there yet, but some people are working very hard to create them. Many of today’s efforts involve research designed to create the technologies needed to make Resilient Communities a reality.
The Hunt Utilities Group [7], or HUG, has created a 70-acre campus in Pine River, Minnesota where its technicians conduct research into resilient technologies. The campus is basically a large-scale laboratory for the development of resilient technologies. One of their most interesting efforts is to create ultra-efficient homes that will cost far less to heat and cool than traditional structures.
The main purpose at HUG is to create a community and homes that can get along without fossil fuels. They are also researching small-scale agricultural techniques designed to help families become self-sufficient in food production.
Unlike some efforts, HUG is trying to implement high technology and such devices as sensors in its efforts. Among other things, they want to use electronics to make homes more efficient. HUG has also done a lot of research into small-scale electricity generation, including solar and wind power.
The Group has also become involved in research into Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR), AKA cold fusion [8]. Don’t laugh; there’s actually a lot of evidence that the phenomenon exists, and some serious scientists, including Nobel Prize winner Brian Josephson [9], think it’s for real. HUG has been working with a technology developed by Francesco Celani, a distinguished Italian physicist who has built what he claims is a LENR device.
The group is trying to develop a home power source from the technology. It’s still too early to see if this is real or not, but it’s interesting. If HUG, Italian inventor Andrea Rossi [10] (who also claims to have a working LENR device but presents no evidence of it), and others are right, it might someday be possible for you to generate all the power you need with a device about the size of a furnace.
Brand New Way To Generate Your Own Perfect Power… [11]
Creating a Future
This is real cutting edge stuff, but it’s what Resilient Communities is all about: creating technologies and methods that will enable families and communities to survive on a long-term basis without the infrastructure of our society.
People like Robb, Culhane, and HUG also want people in the future to be comfortable and live a lifestyle something like we have today if our infrastructure and institutions collapse. They’re asking the all-important question: What happens after the catastrophe is over and the dust settles?
Can we have something like our modern world with amenities such as computers, electric lights, television, and washing machines without the grid? That’s an interesting and intriguing question and an important one we need to be asking. After all, do you really want to end up living like the Amish do? Do you want to spend your time slopping hogs and riding around in a horse drawn buggy?
Of course not, and the Resilient Communities thinkers are offering us an alternative to such a lifestyle. We really ought to be paying attention to them and looking at some of the ideas that they’re putting forward.
Is It Realistic?
So how realistic is the concept of Resilient Communities? Will it actually work here in the real world or not? Well it’s too early to say, because they haven’t created such a community yet, even though a lot of the groundwork has been laid for it.
One thing is certain. If we want a future for our children, we ought to at least take a look at Resilient Community Thinking and see how it could be applied. Even if we cannot build a community, we can apply some of the ideas they’re coming up with, such as Biogas [12].
An intriguing possibility would be to create a faith-based Resilient Community, say around a church or other organized group of believers. I don’t know if such a community is out there, but I’d love to hear of one.
My guess is that we’re going to hear a lot more of this in the years ahead because our society’s traditional infrastructure increasingly is not working. As big government and big business fail to meet people’s needs, average people will be looking for alternatives. Resilient Communities is certainly one alternative that many people will look into.