LOS ANGELES – The conservative activist Andrew Breitbart died early Thusday morning in Brentwood, CA from what was rather quickly deemed “natural causes.” Because of recent proclamations he had made to CPAC about what was coming one March 1st, some are already questioning if there might not be more to the 43-year-old’s untimely death.
Breitbart’s father-in-law, actor Orson Bean, said in an interview with the LA Times that Breitbart was found collapsed near his home about 12:30 a.m. Paramedics took him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, but doctors were unable to revive him.
It was less than a month ago, on February 9, at a conservative event in Washington D.C., that Breitbart made some prophetic sounding comments about revelations on the way from him on March 1st.
People in the know and present at the event feel certain he was referring to video Breitbart had obtained of President Obama. The footage shows Obama during his college days as he appeared alongside former Weather Underground terrorists Bill and Bernardine Dohrn. Breitbart spoke of his intention to release that tape during his CPAC speech last month.
“I’ve got video from his college days that will show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008 – the videos are going to come out,” said Breitbart, adding that Obama would be vetted.
Although the cause of Breitbart’s death was hastily reported to be of “natural causes,” the Los Angeles County coroner’s office has refused to confirm anything until an autopsy has been performed.
After 10 years as editor of the Drudge Report and helping to start the Huffington Post, Breitbart launched his news aggregation site Breitbart.com in 2005, which was designed to counter what he described as the “bully media cabal” that he said ignored stories at odds with prevailing liberal orthodoxy. His goal, he often said, was to “destroy the institutional left.”
Andrew Breitbart was no stranger to controversy, so it seems almost appropriate whispers of conspiracy in his death are already making their way across media channels. Those rumors are bound to be fueled by the fact Breitbart suffered a fatal heart attack only hours before he was scheduled to release video footage that could have ended Barack Obama’s re-election bid.
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