Buy One/Get One Freedom Lantern Sale - Off The Grid News
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Buy One/Get One Freedom Lantern Sale

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I guess it was about five years ago now. My wife and I lived out in a rural and secluded area in Illinois where we could have a large garden and didn’t have to worry about our four young children running out into the street (or getting into any other sort of trouble).

But when November came, we experienced some of the worst snowstorms I’ve ever seen. One, in particular, was extremely vicious. It started in the late afternoon, and by 6pm, half an inch of ice covered everything and the wind was blowing at a consistent 40 miles per hour.

Long story short, the power soon went out, and we had to light our house with candles. We didn’t think much about it, but by the second day, we were tired of chasing our kids around to keep them away from a dozen or so “extreme fire hazards” we were using so that we could see what we were doing.

Day three gave us a bit of a scare, as one of our children knocked one of the candles off a table and onto the carpet. We saw it right away (and extinguished the flames), but suddenly realized that a situation like that could have gotten out of control very quickly… and we suddenly saw the candles for what they were…

A Threat To Our Family’s Safety.

This is why I love the Freedom Lantern. Even though we live in town now, I’ve picked up a handful of these innovative LED lamps to keep on hand for when the power goes out. We have one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, and one in the living room. We’ve actually tested them against candles… and they produce a lot more light… for longer. And now that we’ve got another child under the age of three, the Freedom Lantern also provides peace of mind for when the power goes out and we need to keep the lights on.

There is still some time left to get in on the Buy One Get One Free sale. Hurry though, the offer only stands for the next 24 hours.

Watch the video here to learn why every household should have at least 4 Freedom Lanterns

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