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Most University of Minnesota professors are lining up with the new policy crackdown against politically incorrect pronouns.
Policymakers at the University of Minnesota want to create a new policy that will force everyone to use politically correct pronouns. Furthermore, they will severely punish those who do not. This policy will apply to students, professors, and even drifters walking through the campus. Even though it’s completely contradictory to free speech rights, it will carry enough weight to expel non-conforming students. The school will call this proposed policy “Equity and Access: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Names and Pronouns.” It will make sure that every student uses only the accepted pronouns, gender identities, and names. Consequently, anything that the institution considers to be in the realm of politically incorrect pronouns it will ban from the campus.
A “Delusional” Inclusion? No More Politically Incorrect Pronouns
We’re not quite sure what inspired this policy. According to university representatives, the plan is meant to encourage a non-discriminating, understanding, and accepting spirit among students. Apparently, it will make life better for gender non-conforming and transgender individuals who are a part of the institution.
Interestingly enough, these “seemingly” good intentions don’t seem to coincide with the discrimination inherent within the policy. The legislation states that those who use politically incorrect pronouns will either be fired or expelled. It’s not yet clear whether Muslims will be exempt from this policy or not. But by the way things are going, only time will tell.
There’s another interesting fact to note here as well. University officials responsible for the policy apparently forgot to include other categories of individuals who suffer from identity delusions. For example, the new policy doesn’t mention anorexics, bulimics, and sufferers of body integrity dysphoria. Not only that, but the plan also has mysteriously left out individuals who are confused about their race or species.
What This Means For Nonconforming Students And Professors
The assistant director of the university’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office is Gabrielle Mead. She expressed that the intention behind the policy is to create a more inclusive community. In this new community, each of the members will feel accepted for who they are. Apparently, under this new policy, men who fall under the “transgender” category can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. They will also have the right to participate in any event that they wish. The university’s website has already adopted the new policy. It features options for male, female, nonbinary, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, two-spirit or just “nothing.” The pronoun options that the institution uses to cater to all this madness include the usual “he” and “she,” as well as “they,” “prefer not to specify,” and “none.”
The Violence Of Whiteness
The movement to do away with politically incorrect pronouns has taken the university community by storm. Even many of those considered as devoted conservatives like the Students for Conservative Voice have come out in support of the policy. In fact, a representative of this organization even went as far as to call those who refuse to support the delusions of the confused “insensitive.”
None of this comes as a surprise when you consider that earlier this year UMN hosted a speaker whose primary focus was on “Violence of Whiteness.” The title alone says a lot about shameless racism. The speaker went so far as to call “whiteness” a fundamental threat to the economic, political, and social harmony of the country. This institution is needlessly wasting taxpayers’ dollars on pointless drivel while simultaneously poisoning the minds of impressionable youth.
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What do you think about the University of Minnesota’s crusade against politically incorrect pronouns? Let us know in the comments below.