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Underground ‘Survival Condos’ For The Rich Sell Out: $3 Million; Self-Reliant For 5 Years

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TOPEKA, Kan. — The demand for luxury survival shelters for the rich is exploding – so much that underground survival condos in an old missile silo have sold out.

An unspecified number of buyers paid $1.5 and $3 million each for the condos, developer Larry Hall told CNET. The project was so successful that Hall is now constructing new survival condo facilities and taking contracts for them.

The customers are not “typical ‘survival nuts’ as portrayed in the media,” Hall said in a press release, but rather they are “successful, educated and well-to-do individuals who simply want peace of mind in the event of a natural or manmade disaster.”

The condominiums are located in one of the most hardened structures ever built: an Atlas Missile Silo at a secret location in Kansas, according to the website. The silo was built in 1960 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withstand a direct nuclear strike.

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It has nine and a half foot-thick epoxy-hardened concrete walls and a $2 million concrete dome cap that can withstand winds of up to 500 miles per hour, according to the website.

The facility is designed to be self-sufficient for up to five years during a disaster.

Surviving in Style

Underground ‘Survival Condos’ For The Rich Sell Out: $3 Million; Self-Reliant For 5 Years

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“We believe that given the present worldwide economic conditions, historical disaster evidence, and the obvious signs of global climate changes, that it is prudent to have a ‘disaster plan and shelter’ in place should a need for it occur,” the website says.

One unidentified buyer told CNET that the price is not as outrageous as it first sounds.

“The same quality of condo in New York would have cost me the same, if not more per square foot and you get peace of mind with this,” the buyer said.

Although the facility is designed to withstand a nuclear blast, the greater concern for clients is the “breakdown of society and total civil unrest,” the company said in a press release.

“In the event of a major disaster, economic collapse or whatever the future may hold, there is one common concern that Larry and his tenants share, and that is the ability to protect themselves and their families when the government is no longer able to do so,” the press release said.

Each unit is from 900 to 1,800 square feet.

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Some of the amenities that will help the wealthy survive doomsday include:

  • A swimming pool and spa.
  • A rock climbing wall.
  • A dog park.
  • Organic hydroponic food production.
  • Aquaculture food production.
  • A general store.
  • An indoor shooting range.
  • A movie theater.
  • Classroom and library.
  • Minor surgery center.
  • Bar and lounge.
  • A dog park so your best friend can survive, too.
  • Complete gym, with spa and workout facility.

So, how will the rich make it to their condos during a disaster if they live in another state? The company has plans for that, too, but the information is only for buyers.

“We have three contingency plans in place to ensure that you have passage to the facility in the case of any emergency. These plans will be discussed with potential buyers only,” the company’s website states.

The silos aren’t the only luxury condos in America. Another company, Trident Lakes, is selling its own underground survival condos in Texas.

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