Pumpkin carving injuries are simply one of the many dangers that the CPSC is using your tax dollars to warn you about.
Pumpkin carving injuries are apparently a major problem in America. In fact, a federal agency has released an advertisement about pumpkin carving injuries in time for Halloween.
The ad features a talking jack-o-lantern that warns celebrants about pumpkin carving injuries, Vox reports. Remarkably, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) believes jack-o-lanterns are a danger. The CPSC is reportedly responsible for the talking pumpkin ad.
Furthermore, the CPSC has issued a warning list of jack-o-lantern dangers. The dangers include “lacerations related to pumpkin carving,” for instance.
The Federal Government Is Protecting You From Pumpkin Carving Injuries
The CPSC is so concerned about pumpkin carving injuries that it created a warning poster. However, the poster looks more like an advertisement for a slasher movie than a safety warning.
To emphasize the danger from pumpkin carving injuries, the poster says “Pumpkin Laceration: Chapter Seven.” In addition, it states, “any cut could be the deepest.”
Conversely, fake jack-o-lanterns could be a bigger safety risk than pumpkin carving injuries. The CPSC admits that Pier 1 Imports recalled thousands of decorative pumpkins because they were a laceration hazard. In other words, the “safe alternative” to traditional jack-o-lanterns is also dangerous.
Federal Agency Wants You To Avoid “Hatchet Job” To Your Fingers
Additionally, the CPSC has a website dedicated to preventing pumpkin carving injuries. Notwithstanding, the website provides very little information about jack-o-lantern safety.
The website cautions parents against letting young children use knives. It also advises parents to let kids draw on pumpkins with crayons instead of carving.
“Keep the sharp tools in adult hands,” the website advises. Particularly, the Commission wants to keep you from “doing a hatchet job to your fingers.”
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Uncle Sam Brands Jack-O-Lanterns A Fire Hazard
The Commission believes that jack-o-lanterns are a fire hazard as well. Specifically, its press release alerts parents to the danger of “candle flames from jack-o-lanterns.”
Consequently, the press release warns you to keep jack-o-lanterns away from drapes and other potentially flammable objects. The CPSC further advises you to keep jack-o-lanterns away from walkways or steps used by trick-or-treaters.
For example, the CPSC’s experts fear that trick-or-treaters will set themselves on fire by brushing against a jack-o-lantern. Notably, the CPSC press release lists no examples of injuries from jack-o-lantern fires.
Moreover, the CPSC warns parents to make Halloween costumes from fire-resistant materials. The Commission cautions against costumes with “baggy sleeves” and “billowing skirts.”
Likewise, the CPSC’s jack-o-lantern safety page recommends that you use flashlights instead of candles in pumpkins.
The CPSC Wants To Protect You From Pumpkin Carving Injuries And Other Holiday Dangers
All in all, pumpkin carving injuries are just one of many holiday dangers the CPSC wants to protect you from.
In the same fashion, the agency created a video showing the dangers of turkey fryer fires. To explain, a turkey fryer is a big pot filled with peanut oil which is used to deep-fry turkeys. Deep-fried turkey is supposedly a Thanksgiving delicacy in the South.
To demonstrate the danger, the video shows a turkey fryer exploding into flames.
On the negative side, pumpkin carving injuries are simply one of the many dangers that the CPSC is using your tax dollars to warn you about. For instance, the Commission is reportedly preparing warnings about Christmas tree fires.
On the positive side, the CPSC is providing sensible safety advice. However, there is no evidence that most people are even made aware of its warnings.
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: 10 Unique Off-Grid Ways You Can Use A Pumpkin This Fall
What do you think about the government’s attempt to protect Americans from pumpkin carving injuries? Let us know in the comments below.