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Vaginal yeast infections are the downside of taking antibiotics. If you have ever had a yeast infection, you probably weren’t sure which was worse, the ailment you were taking the antibiotics for or the resulting yeast infection. Not every woman who takes an antibiotic will develop a yeast infection, but those who do can vouch for the misery they create.
Yeast infections can also be the result of wearing clothes that are too tight for long periods of time. Your body doesn’t have any way to breathe, and yeast that naturally occurs from foods you eat can breed and reproduce, causing a yeast infection.
Thankfully, there are home remedies for vaginal yeast infections that can help you get over them and possibly stop them from occurring. Natural remedies have been around for hundreds of years, well before there were prescription medications to cure the yeast. Keep in mind that every woman’s body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. If you experience any adverse reactions from home treatments, immediately stop, and if necessary, see your doctor.
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Prevention is Key
Before you start looking for treatments for yeast infections in your kitchen and herb garden, you should make note of some things you can do to prevent yeast infections from occurring and which will speed up the healing process.
- Loose Clothing: Yeast loves warm, damp, dark areas. If you wear tight clothing while you have a yeast infection, you are giving the yeast the ideal breeding ground. Loose clothing is optimal, and when you are home, wear as little as possible to allow your body to breathe.
- Stay Dry: While you have a yeast infection, stay as dry as possible. This means no swimming, hot tubs, or long baths.
- Partner: If you continue to have yeast infections and you are sexually active, your partner may need to be treated for yeast as well. You could be transferring it back and forth, and neither of you will get better.
- Diet: Your diet can be key in preventing yeast build-up in the body. You should avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and junk foods. Limit your intake of saturated fat and processed foods.
The Kitchen is Your Pharmacy
You might not realize that you have many natural ingredients in your kitchen that will cure a yeast infection. If you don’t have these on hand, a quick trip to the supermarket is still less expensive than a second trip to the doctor.
- Yogurt: Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus is helpful, but it needs to be inserted into the vagina in order to get to the yeast. Use a tampon dipped in yogurt twice daily until the yeast infection is gone. You can also add yogurt with probiotics to your diet to cut down on the internal yeast that is produced in your body. It is a good idea to remember this and start on a probiotic yogurt treatment as soon as you start taking antibiotics and avoid the yeast completely.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has been used throughout history for many ailments and is also helpful in curing yeast infections. Combine apple cider vinegar with two cups of water and add one clove of garlic. Let this solution stand for several hours or overnight before using as a douche. The vinegar will kill off the yeast, and you will feel much better. If you want to make sure you are killing off all the yeast, you can take a tablespoon of vinegar every day. This will help rid your body of any yeast build-up from your diet and work as a preventative measure.
- Rosemary Tea: Rosemary is one of the many herbs that have medicinal properties, and this will bring temporary relief of the itching and burning. Brew a cup of rosemary tea and allow it to steep. After it cools, use as a douche. You can also dab it on the exterior areas for relief.
- Thyme Tea: Thyme has antiseptic properties that can help with yeast infections. Make a tea with one teaspoon of thyme in one cup of boiling water. Steep for several minutes. You can drink one to four cups daily for your yeast infection.
- Cinnamon: Cinnamon is an antifungal and has antibacterial properties that make it a good treatment for yeast infections. You can make a tea from cinnamon or put in on your food. Some people are allergic to cinnamon and don’t know it until they try cinnamon tea. If you have an adverse reaction, stop the tea immediately and see your doctor.
- Garlic Suppository: This may sound strange, but it has been proven to work. Simply take a fresh garlic clove and peel it. Next, use a sewing needle to push thread through the clove so that you have thread on both sides of the clove. Remove the needle and tie the ends together. At bedtime, insert the garlic just like you would a tampon. In the morning, remove it. It might take more than one night if you have a severe infection, but it does work. Garlic also works to fight yeast by eating it or taking it in a pill form. You can find garlic pills in your local health food store. Take one pill daily for prevention of yeast infections and to help cure the current one.
- Buttermilk: Buttermilk is full of live cultures that will cure a yeast infection. Use it as a douche.
- Teabags: After you brew a cup of hot tea for yourself, put the teabag in the freezer to cool. Don’t allow it to freeze, but let it get very cold. Apply the tea bag to the itching area to give yourself some relief.
- Water: Water isn’t going to totally cure your yeast infection, but it will be beneficial in keeping your body flushed and healthy. Water will flush the toxins out as any treatment you are using works to cure the infection.
Other Home Remedies
There are many other remedies that you can find at home that aren’t necessarily in the kitchen. You can pick up some of these in a health food store. You may already have them on hand and didn’t realize they would cure your yeast infection.
- Tea Tree Oil: This delightful oil has been used for hundreds of years for many different health issues. It can be used for treating the itching and burning associated with yeast infections by dabbing it on the outside area. Some women have reported using it on a tampon for internal relief.
- Olive Leaf Extract with Grapefruit Seed Extraction: Mix one teaspoon of each of these in a glass of water and drink it daily until the infection is gone.
- Boric Acid Suppositories: You can pick these up in a health food store or ask your pharmacist where to find them. They are natural and will kill the yeast and cure the infection in ten to thirteen days. You can use them weekly to prevent recurrence of yeast.
These home remedies for vaginal yeast infections have been tried by women around the world for many hundreds of years. You can choose the one you want to try, and if you don’t have success, try another one. These remedies are not meant to replace the advice of a doctor—you should always check with a healthcare professional before starting any sort of treatment.
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