A senior official with Planned Parenthood – an organization that receives government funds — has been caught on tape apparently admitting that her organization collects body parts from unborn babies and that money then changes hands.
Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the organization’s senior director of medical of services, also admitted that selling parts is banned by federal law. Planned Parenthood maintains the practice is legal and that the money is simply a shipping fee, although critics say the organization has been caught breaking the law.
From 2010-12, Planned Parenthood received $1.5 billion in federal and state funds.
Her cavalier way of describing parts from unborn babies has shocked both sides of the abortion debate. She explains the procedure while she eats her food and drinks wine.
“I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Nucatola said in an undercover video recorded by the Center for Medical Progress. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”
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The procedure Nucatola describes involves dismembering the unborn child while it is still in womb or birth canal. The head – which she calls the calvarium – is “basically the biggest part.”
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
She seems to acknowledge the organization uses a method called partial-birth abortion, which is illegal. In partial-birth abortion, the unborn child is pulled out of the womb feet first, so that the head remains in the canal.
“So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium [head] at the end,” Nucatola says.
The video shows Nucatola discussing body parts over red wine and pasta with a group of actors posing as representatives of a company attempting to buy body parts.
“For example, I had eight cases yesterday,” she says of abortions performed.
She also acknowledges Planned Parenthood lawyers are concerned. She quotes a price of “$30 to $100.”
“At the national office, we have a litigation and law department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” she says. “But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
In a statement, Planned Parenthood, said the “parts” are from donors – that is, the mothers of unborn babies.
The video also shows Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards saying of Nucatola: “She’s amazing.”
Said Center for Medical Progress representative David Daleiden, “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization. Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”
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