New York State’s Democratic Governor is depriving gun owners of their First Amendment rights by canceling insurance policies an NRA lawsuit alleged. The suit claims Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered state regulators to prosecute companies that issued insurance to New York gun owners.
“Directed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, this campaign involves selective prosecution, backroom exhortations, and public threats with a singular goal – to deprive the NRA and its constituents of their First Amendment right to speak freely about gun-related issues and defend the Second Amendment,” a complaint filed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on May 11, alleges.
The suit was filed after three companies; Chubb, Lockton Companies and Lloyd’s of London, canceled NRA Carry Guard policies – which cover legal costs for gun owners involved in self-defense shootings. The policies were canceled after the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) investigated and sued the companies.
New York State tried to Force Companies to Stop Doing Business with NRA
“The foundation of Defendants’ selective-enforcement and retaliation campaign is a series of threats to financial institutions that DFS will exercise its extensive regulatory power against entities that fail to sever ties with the NRA,” the lawsuit complaint charges. “To effect their sweeping agenda; Defendants issued public demands that put DFS-regulated institutions on notice to “discontinue their arrangements with the NRA” and other “gun promotion organisations” if they planned to do business in New York.”
The defendants in the suit include; Cuomo, the DFS, and DFS head Maria T. Vullo. The DFS claimed that the insurers had broken state law by offering the Cover Guard policies.
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Another NRA lawsuit alleged that the DFS investigated the Lockton Companies at the behest of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group Everytown for Gun Safety, Blomberg reported.
Lockton; which was fined $7 million by the DFS, agreed to cancel 680 Carry Guard policies in a settlement. Lockton violated a contract to offer the policies through 2024, the NRA lawsuit claims. The NRA’s complaint in that suit alleges that the DSF is engaged in “a politically-motivated effort to deprive NRA members of insurance coverage.”
Two other companies that issued Carry-Guard insurance in New York State were targeted and fined by the DFS, news reports indicate. Both of those companies; Lloyd’s of London and Chubb, canceled the policies.
The famous British brokerage Lloyd’s of London ordered syndicates that underwrite policies through its insurance market to stop covering insurance programs associated with the NRA on May 9, Business Insurancereported. Lloyds paid $1.3 million to settle charges brought against it by the DFS.
Illinois Union, a subsidiary of Chubb, paid a $1.3 million fine and cancelled Carry Guard policies issued to New York State residents, Insurance Journalreported. News reports did say whether the NRA plans to sue Chubb or Lloyd’s.
Gun Controllers accuse NRA of selling Murder Insurance
Cuomo and the DFS’s actions might have been motivated by a website called “Stop Murder Insurance.” The website, created by two groups called Color of Change and Guns Down, charges that Carry Guard protects murderers; and specifically mentions Chubb and Lockton, but not Lloyd’s.
Cuomo’s real motivation might have nothing to do with gun control. The governor is facing reelection this fall and needs to mobilize anti-gun Democratic voters. Cuomo and Stop Murder Insurance are trying to mobilize African-American voters by blaming the 2012 Trayvon Martin shootingon the NRA.
The governor needs all the votes he can get, because of a strong Democratic primary challenge from Sex in the Cityactress Cynthia Nixon. Politics it seems is the real threat to gun owners’ First and Second Amendment Rights.
Gun owners had better register and vote this fall, because Democrats are targeting them. Gun owners in other states had better watch out because Democrats are likely to try similar tactics all over the nation.