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As Democrats hide gun control in the Violence Against Women Act, they risk being unable to reach a compromise on reauthorizing it.
Congressional Democrats hide gun control in many pieces of legislation. For instance, a revision to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) denies gun ownership to more Americans.
Specifically, a provision to the VAWA [1] will deny firearms licenses to people convicted of misdemeanor dating violence and misdemeanor stalking, Roll Call claims. To explain, Congress needs to reauthorize the VAWA to keep it on the books.
However, U.S. House Democrats are using the re-authorization to expand gun control. In detail, current law denies firearms licenses to persons convicted of felony stalking or felony domestic violence.
House Democrats Hid Gun Control In Domestic Violence Bill
In fact, Democrats hid language expanding that ban to individuals with misdemeanor domestic violence or stalking convictions in a new version of the VAWA [2].
Notably, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the revised VAWA by a vote of 263 to 158 last week, The Conservative Review reports. Oddly, 33 House Republicans joined Democrats in supporting the new VAWA.
To clarify, the House [3] is trying to eliminate the so-called “boyfriend loophole” from the VAWA, NPR speculates. Specifically, the boyfriend loophole allows unmarried partners or former partners with domestic violence convictions to buy guns.
However, critics like the National Rifle Association (NRA) accuse Democrats of trying to expand gun control through the VAWA. To explain, the NRA claims Democrats are using the VAWA changes to restrict the number of gun licenses.
Democrats’ Gun Control Jeopardizes Domestic Violence Legislation
Incredibly, Democrats could jeopardize the VAWA with their attempt to expand gun control.
To elaborate, the VAWA funds a variety of programs that help women crime victims. For instance, the VAWA [4] provides housing for women who leave abusive husbands or partners and a database of stalkers. Moreover, the VAWA funds a wide variety of training for law enforcement.
Unfortunately, those funds could end if Congress does not authorize the VAWA. Thus, Democrats could put women and other victims at risk by hiding gun control in the VAWA.
In addition to women, the VAWA funds programs to protect children and the elderly from abuse. Hence, Democrats could put those victims at risk by hiding gun control in the VAWA.
Democrats Could Force Trump To Veto Violence Against Women Act
Notably, President Donald Trump wants to sign the VAWA reauthorization. However, White House Spokesman Judd Deere says Trump could veto the VAWA – if it contains gun control, NPR reports.
“The White House supports a clean extension of VAWA,” Deere says.
On the other hand, Trump has made no public statements about the VAWA. Therefore, the President is probably waiting to see what Congress does before taking a position.
The VAWA revision will have to pass the U.S. Senate to reach the President’s Desk. However, the Republicans, who have a five-vote majority in the Senate, will probably remove the gun control provisions from the VAWA.
Under those circumstances, a joint House and Senate Committee will have to write a new version of the VAWA that both parties agree on. Thus, if Democrats and Republicans do not compromise the VAWA could expire.
If the VAWA expires, funding for programs that protect victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse could vanish. Hence, victims could be in danger because Democrats hid gun control in the VAWA.
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What do you think about the proposed gun control provisions within the updated VAWA legislation? Let us know in the comments below.