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As many Democrats heckle Bernie Sanders, shouldn’t we start to wonder whether the party can unify in time for the next election? (Photo by Charlie Leight/Getty Images)
Just when you think that the presidential race couldn’t get any stranger, the Democrats heckle Bernie Sanders. Establishment Democrats are obviously afraid of the U.S. Senator from Vermont despite his status as the party’s front runner.
To elaborate, a crowd of women of color at Texas Southern University booed and taunted Sanders as soon as he came on stage, The Guardian reports. Sanders was one of several Democrats to appear at an organizing event at the historically black university several weeks ago.
Sanders received taunts like “You’re not for us,” and “You don’t get the black community.” In addition, audience members kept interrupting Bernie’s speech.
On the other hand, the crowd gave U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) a standing ovation. Harris is half-Indian and half-Jamaican and may very well fit the bill as a “woman of color” in the modern game of identity politics. The crowd also gave U.S. Senator Liz Warren (D-Massachusetts) and Texas native Beto O’Rourke a warm welcome.
Socialist Sanders Is The Democratic Front Runner
Even so, the self-proclaimed socialist Sanders is still the front runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. In detail, Sanders leads the Democratic pack at 29%, an April 29 Emerson Poll estimates. Former Vice President Joe Biden (D-Delaware) is second at 24% while South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg takes third with 9%. Finally, Harris and O’Rourke tie for 4th place at 8%.
Significantly, President Trump does well against all the Democrats in theoretical match-ups, as Emerson calculates. For instance, Biden only beats Trump by 50% to 49%, yet Trump beats Harris and Buttigieg 54% to 46% and Trump beats Warren 53% to 47%.
Notwithstanding, Emerson data asserts that Bernie is the strongest Democrat, beating Trump 51% to 49%. Is it really possible that socialist Sanders could be our next president?
Party Elites Plot To Stop Sanders
Curiously, some Democrat leaders would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie. In fact, The New York Times claims that around 100 rich liberals met secretly in San Francisco in March to devise a “stop Sanders Strategy.”
Specifically, the wealthy leftists are reviewing Democratic primary rules to see if they can block Bernie. In particular, Sanders “freaks” rich liberals out, Democratic official Leah Daughtry tells The Times.
“Wall Street Democrats are absolutely freaking out about their 2020 candidates,” the Intelligencer claims. On the whole, Wall Street insiders are afraid of all the leading candidates.
The “Never Bernie” plotters’ job will be tough because Sanders is mobilizing an army of one million volunteers to get out the vote, The Beast reports. Additionally, NPR calculated that Sanders’ campaign had $18.2 million in the bank on April 19, 2019.
Sanders currently has more money than any other Democrat and $6.2 million more than Kamala Harris’s $12 million, NPR states. Sanders is also raising $444,000 a day according to NPR. Nevertheless, Beto O’Rourke is somehow challenging Bernie in this category by raising $520,000 a day.
Bernie Wants Prisoners To Vote In Jail
“Every American citizen should have the right to vote, even if they are in jail,” Sanders tweeted on February 25, 2019. So, Bernie wants convicted murderers, gang members, drug dealers, rapists, and child molesters voting.
“This prison precinct plan is going a little bit too far,” U.S. Senator Gardner Cory Gardner (R-Colorado) says of Sanders’ proposal on Fox News. Notably, Gardner fears that Sanders’ proposal will enable Oklahoma City bombing collaborator Terry Nichols and the Unabomber to vote in Colorado. Nichols and Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski are serving time at the “ADX Supermax” Federal prison in Fremont County, Colorado.
Furthermore, Sanders’ proposal could give political influence to prison gangs such as the Aryan Nations or Aryan Brotherhood along with the Mexican Mafia. The gangs could potentially sway elections by delivering “the prison precinct vote.” For instance, gangsters could beat or murder prisoners who refuse to vote for specific candidates.
Is Bernie Our Next President?
In the final analysis, Bernie Sanders could be the next President of the United States. In fact, there are some conservatives like The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher who think Bernie can actually win.
Regardless, it definitely appears that the 2020 presidential election will be a close and nasty contest. American politics will soon get meaner, dirtier, and weirder even though it hardly seems possible.
You may also enjoy reading an additional Off The Grid News article: Socialist Bernie Sanders Rides Private Jets Like A Pompous Rock Star
What are your thoughts on how the Democrats heckle Bernie Sanders at some of their rallies? Let us know in the comments below.