In the latest example of so-called “medical child abuse,” two young girls allegedly were seized by the state of Arizona and a Phoenix hospital, and the mother was ordered not to talk to her own children.
The story seems eerily similar to the case of Justina Pelletier case, who was taken from her parents and spent more than a year in state custody before being returned to her parents.
The preteen Arizona sisters were taken from their parents by the state’s Child Protective Services (CPS) and transported to Phoenix Children’s Hospital six months ago, and during their time in the hospital, both girls lost a significant amount of weight. Some news outlets have reported that the sisters are being used for genetic research without parental consent.
The mom, Melissa Diegel, reportedly disagreed with the medical treatment her daughters were receiving and wanted to switch doctors. In addition to being ordered not to talk to Kayla, 12, and Hannah, 10, the mom also was allegedly instructed by the court to remove all discussion about the case from the Internet and social media accounts. The information she had compiled has been transferred to websites she does not control.
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The Phoenix sisters have been diagnosed with congenital disorder of glycosylation, (CDG, which is a form of mitochondrial disease), according to Health Impact News.
Both of the preteen Arizona girls also have gastroparesis, a paralysis of the stomach muscles. Hannah and Kayla Diegel previously were fed via feeding tubes because their bodies could not process solid food properly. When the feeding tubes were used, the sisters reportedly started to gain weight and thrive.
A “Free Kayla and Hannah Diegel” petition has launched online. There’s also a Facebook page calling for the girls to be reunited with their mom.
It was at Phoenix Children’s Hospital that the situation suddenly turned against the mom. Unknown to the mom, drug trials allegedly were taking place for the rare condition.

Phoenix Children’s Hospital
In March, the mom filed a complaint against the doctor over “concern of care” and “neglect” and she asked for the girls to be transferred to another hospital or to be given a new doctor. Less than two weeks later, CPS took the girls, according to the Facebook page.
The Facebook page supporting the mom claims the girls were seized so the hospital could try out the new drugs. Drug trials at the hospital allegedly began only three weeks prior to the girls being seized.
“This rare and genetically significant condition is a potential goldmine to pharmaceutical companies and researchers,” the Facebook page reads. “The odds of finding two sisters with THIS same rare genetic condition is like winning a billion dollars in the lottery, at least for the entities that discovered them.”
It adds, “Unwitting victims across the United States have been used as human guinea pigs in these drug trials.”
Once in state custody, the sisters’ feeding tubes were removed. Kayla has reportedly lost 25 percent of her body weight and now has less than three percent body fat. Hannah has reportedly lost 17 percent of her body weight.
“No probable cause was given and Hannah was immediately removed off of her life sustaining feeding tube that day and taken to an undisclosed location not to be seen until 23 days later,” the petition reads, in part.
A message recently posted on the “A Miracle For Two Sisters” Facebook page reads: “Many new supporters have been asking how they can help. We appreciate your offers and our goal this week is to contact Gov. Brewer of AZ and the two candidates F. DuVal and D. Ducey who are running for that office along with Congressman Franks who is the representative of the district the girls live in. We will be leaving comments on their pages starting today and invite you to join us.”
In August, the mom lost all visitation rights with her daughters, and the state filed a motion to permanently take away all custody rights.
What do you think about the two sisters being taken away from their mother over a disagreement regarding medical care? Leave your reply in the section below: