Every gun in America should be destroyed – so says an Oregon judge with the power to sentence people to prison.
“If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean,” Judge Kenneth R. Walker said at a sentencing hearing September 28 of Marcell Lee Daniel Jr., who had shot and killed a pedestrian during a drive-by shooting. “Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. We could save 33,000 people a year if we didn’t have guns in this country.”
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He continued, referencing a 1990s incident: “Australia after a major shooting rounded up all the guns, and they haven’t had near the death that we do here in this country.”
Walker’s rant was captured on video and posted to YouTube, and was reported by The Oregonian newspaper.
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“[Guns] are a scourge of this country and no one should have one as far as I’m concerned,” Walker said. “There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them. But it is a right of people in this country to own and possess them, and I will not say anything to affect that right.”
Walker has served on the Multnomah County Circuit Court in Oregon for 10 years, the newspaper reported. Prior to that he was a defense attorney.
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