Image source: Safetysign.com
Oklahoma is fighting back against the United Nations Agenda 21 program.
As previously reported by Off The Grid News, Agenda 21 is a voluntary, non-binding UN action plan which is allegedly focused solely on sustainable development. Adopted by the United States and 177 other countries in 1992, the plan is based upon a program to abolish poverty and protect “fragile environments” by “properly” managing cities. Some charge the program wants to push all citizens into cities.
In the United States, more than 500 cities are members of an international sustainability organization that reportedly supports the implementation of the United Nations biodiversity program.
Earlier this month – with Agenda 21 and eminent domain in their sights — the Oklahoma House of Representatives members voted overwhelmingly in support of a measure designed to protect the unalienable and due process rights of property owners in the state.
The Oklahoma Community Protection Act, HB 2807, would nullify any Agenda 21 or related assaults on individual property rights in the state. It passed, 66-26.
“It is very important for states to re-assert their sovereignty and protect the rights of citizens from intrusive and oppressive measures coming down from the federal government and even international organizations like the UN,” Oklahoma State Representative Mike Ritze told The New American. “The states operated for two centuries quite well on their own, so what we are doing now is taking back our rightful powers and ensuring that Oklahomans can continue to live in freedom under constitutionally limited government without outside unconstitutional intervention.”
The bill now goes to the state Senate. Under the bill, if a court decides that an Oklahoma property owner’s constitutional rights have been violated, damages will be awarded in favor of the property owner at an amount not less than 10 times the assessed property value of the home.
“The bill protects your private property from being acquired by eminent domain without a public vote or public hearing,” said Representative Lewis Moore.
Eminent domain seizures appear to be running rampant in the United States. Many instances reported by Off The Grid News illustrate just how quickly land you thought you owned can suddenly be ripped away – potentially for far less than real market value.
In Minnesota, two sisters are currently fighting to keep the land their father left them and prevent it from being turned into a stretch of a bike path. Another couple may lose their property simply because they used an ATV to reach their cabin. In Ohio, another family is in danger of losing their land for yet again another bike path.
The Oklahoma Community Protection Act is just three pages long, gets right to the point, and is incredibly easy to understand. An excerpt from the Agenda 21 bill reads:
Any attempt to restrict private property rights without due process of law shall be deemed null and void per the Oklahoma Constitution and the United States Constitution. [The act is] prohibiting adoption of policies that restrict private property rights without due process; listing specific due process elements; providing exception; declaring certain changes be subject to change; providing monies to be property of political subdivision; nullifying private property restrictions without due process specifying damages and attorney fees; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.
What do you think about the bill, Agenda 21 and eminent domain? Let us know in the comments below.
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