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Is Your Phone Making You Stressed? How EMF Radiation May Be Raising Your Cortisol


In today’s world, avoiding electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation is almost impossible. Our phones, Wi-Fi routers, laptops, and home appliances give off EMFs. But while these technologies make life more convenient, research is starting to show that they may come with an unexpected cost: higher stress levels and rising cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone.


Understanding Cortisol: The Body’s Stress Alarm

Cortisol is like an alarm system in our body. It’s made in the adrenal glands and gets released when we are under stress. A little cortisol is good — it helps us wake up in the morning and deal with challenges. But when cortisol levels stay high for too long, it can hurt us in many ways. High cortisol can cause anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, weight gain, and even weaken the immune system.

Scientists have been studying what causes cortisol spikes besides obvious things like work or school stress. What they are finding is surprising: EMF radiation might be triggering our body’s stress alarm — even when we don’t feel stressed at the moment.


EMF Radiation and Cortisol: What the Science Says

Several studies from around the world are showing that EMF exposure can lead to higher cortisol levels, making people feel more anxious and stressed out. In a 2024 review by Fouladi Dehaghi and Vahabi Shekarloo, they explain that EMFs don’t just affect our brains — they also mess with hormones like cortisol, which control blood sugar and fat storage (Fouladi Dehaghi & Vahabi Shekarloo, 2024). This means that if EMFs push our cortisol up, they might also affect our metabolism, not just our mood.

Other studies have shown this connection even more directly. Navarro and colleagues (2003) studied people living near cell phone towers. They found that these people had higher cortisol levels and more stress symptoms than people living farther away. They weren’t imagining it — their bodies were actually reacting to the EMFs around them.

In a 2017 study by Zhang et al., mice exposed to EMFs showed clear signs of anxiety and higher levels of corticosterone, the animal version of cortisol (Zhang et al., 2017). So, this isn’t just something that happens in humans; animals respond to EMFs in similar ways.

Even young people aren’t safe from this effect. A study in Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews (Sangün et al., 2015) found that children and teenagers exposed to EMFs over long periods had hormonal changes, including fluctuations in cortisol. Since kids’ bodies and brains are still growing, this could have lasting effects on their health and development.


When cortisol stays high, our bodies remain in “fight or flight” mode.

Why High Cortisol Is Dangerous

When cortisol stays high, our bodies remain in “fight or flight” mode — the state you’re in when you’re scared or under pressure. Over time, this can lead to serious problems. High cortisol has been linked to insomnia, weight gain, weakened immunity, heart problems, and even diabetes. It can also cause trouble with focus and memory because too much cortisol can damage parts of the brain that help us think clearly.

Lerchl and colleagues (2008) found that people exposed to EMFs showed disrupted daily cortisol patterns — instead of rising and falling naturally through the day, their cortisol stayed high (Lerchl et al., 2008). This could explain why so many people today struggle with chronic stress and poor sleep.


What Can You Do to Lower EMF Exposure?

The good news is that there are simple ways to reduce your exposure to EMFs and protect your body from cortisol spikes. First, limit your time on your phone, especially when it’s close to your head. Using a speakerphone or wired headphones is a smart way to keep distance. Turn off Wi-Fi routers at night or keep them far from your bedroom. You can also put your phone in airplane mode while you sleep to stop unnecessary EMF exposure.

Some people even use EMF-blocking cases or shields for phones and laptops, though these should be high-quality products since not all work as claimed. However, the most straightforward step may be taking regular breaks from screens. Spending time outside, away from devices, gives your body a chance to calm down and can naturally lower cortisol.


Finding Balance in a Connected World

We all rely on our phones, computers, and Wi-Fi. It’s not realistic to get rid of them, but knowing how EMFs affect our stress levels and hormones means we can take steps to stay healthier. Meo et al. (2018) found that EMF exposure not only raised cortisol but also made students more tired and less able to focus in class (Meo et al., 2018).

So reducing EMF exposure isn’t just about long-term health — it can also help us feel better right now.

Suppose you’ve been feeling constantly stressed, having trouble sleeping, or gaining weight without explanation. In that case, it might be worth looking at how much time you spend around EMFs. Simple changes, like turning off devices at night or keeping phones out of your pocket, could make a big difference in how your body handles stress.



  • Fouladi Dehaghi, B., & Vahabi Shekarloo, M. (2024). The Impact of Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Diabetes: A Narrative Review. Link
  • Navarro, E. A., et al. (2003). The microwave syndrome: A preliminary study in Spain. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 22(2-3), 161-169. DOI:10.1081/JBC-120024625
  • Zhang, J. P., et al. (2017). Effects of 1800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on stress-related behaviors and neuroendocrine alterations in mice. Brain Research, 1659, 155-164. DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2016.12.031
  • Sangün, Ö., et al. (2015). The effects of long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields on the endocrine system in children and adolescents. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews, 13(2), 531-545. PubMed: 26841648
  • Lerchl, A., et al. (2008). Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields at nonthermal SAR values on the cortisol circadian rhythm. Radiation Research, 170(3), 314-319. DOI:10.1667/RR1345.1
  • Meo, S. A., et al. (2018). Mobile phone radiation induces oxidative stress and decreases academic performance in medical students. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 25(6), 1052-1057. DOI:10.1016/j.sjbs.2018.05.003


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