Herbal remedies are growing in popularity, but many off-gridders and homesteaders remain confused, not knowing how – or what — to grow.
On this week’s edition of Off The Grid Radio we take a look at 10 indoor herbs our expert considers essential for good health.
Her name is Tammi Hartung, an organic farmer, herbalist and author whose book – “Homegrown Herbs” – tells you just about everything you need to know to grow medicinal herbs … right in your home.
- The herb that can lower fever and get rid of a headache … and also boost your immune system.
- The herb that some consider an alternative to penicillin.
- The herb that battles nausea, morning sickness and other flu-like symptoms. (It even fights motion sickness!)
- The herb you need when you are anxious or stressed.
- The herb that can ease symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.
Tammi also shares with us her very best indoor growing secrets, including light and soil requirements. If you’ve been wanting to discover alternative health remedies but didn’t know where to start, then this week’s show is for you!