“Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.”
— Leo Buscaglia
We have all seen those moments – the time when someone disembarks a plane, makes their way to baggage claim, and runs into a loved one’s arms. It’s touching, endearing, and moving. Or perhaps we have seen the stories of soldiers returning to their families, reveled in the moments when their families were complete again. In those precious, precious instances, the heart fills with love to the point where it is over flowing.
Every time I picture those images I cannot help but think of my relationship with the Father. Here is the most powerful being on Earth, the one who holds the entire world in the palm of His hands, and instead of closing himself off and reveling in that power, He stands there ready to embrace me. Me. A simple child of His who has made mistakes, ignored His desires, and not always walked on His path.
How do I know He does this? The Bible makes it clear time and time again that this is the way He typically chooses to recognize His children. He does not yell when we make a wrong decision. Instead, He simply waits for us to return to Him before He cradles us in Him arms to offer support and love.
His arms were open as He created the world. His arms were open as He hung on the cross. His arms were open as He welcomed the prodigal son. And, His arms are open for you.
Run to Him.